Australian Huntington's Disease Association (Qld)
Application for Membership
Any adult interested in furthering the objectives of the Association is eligible for membership.

Title............... Name..........................................................................


Telephone ............................................Fax .....................................

Annual Fee for single membership is $13.20, or a special family subscription of $19.80 per year is available if more than one adult family member, living at the same address, wishes to join. Please nominate names of other adult members to be included.


Could you please tick the appropriate box(es) below:

[ ] I hereby apply for single membership, and my annual fee of $13.20 is enclosed. (Price) includes GST.

[ ] I hereby apply for family membership and my annual fee of $19.80 is enclosed. (Price includes GST)

[ ] I am unable to pay the membership fee at present, but wish to receive newsletters.

[ ] Please delete my name from the membership list.

[ ] I am a professional working with HD families and would like to receive newsletters.



   Membership enclosed $
        Donation enclosed $____
Total amount enclosed $




Donations to AHDA (Qld) Inc of $2 or more are deductable for tax purposes.
Please print, complete and return this form to:

The Membership Secretary,
AHDA (Qld) Inc
 P O Box 635
Annerley Qld 4103

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Copyright © 2001 - 2024 Australian Huntington's Disease Association (Qld) Inc. All rights reserved.